We are growing in leaps and bounds and invite you to come and join the fastest growing breed…RED ANGUS!!!!

The Montana Red Angus Association was officially organized on November 3, 1972. Several interested breeders met at the Rainbow Hotel in Great Falls, Montana. They elected officers and established by-laws. The officers for that ensuing year were: President-Dave Cawlfield, Vice President-Jim Leachman and Secretary/Treasurer-Pete Stoltz.
Montana Red Angus breeders play a very significant role in the national landscape of the breed. We have one of the most active affiliates in the nation in terms of membership and breed promotion. We have several MTRAA members that sit on the national board and several members that serve on national committees. We are here to promote the Red Angus breed in Montana for all of our members.
Join the Herd!
- Our membership totals over 100 ranch memberships, including both registered and commercial breeders from Montana and several other states.
- We are ranked #2 with total paid members in the national organization—-only Texas can claim more.
- We register more than 8,700 head of Red Angus cattle each year, which makes us #1 in registrations.
- We transfer approximately 3,800 head to different owners annually.
- We host the “NILE Prestigious Red Angus Sale” which was started in 1982 at NILE every year in October, which features hand-picked consignments of open heifers, bred heifers, bulls, embryos, and semen from our membership.
- We sponsor Special Red Angus Certified Feeder Calf Sales throughout the state in October and November.
- In 1997 we started the Feeder Calf Sales in Billings and Butte and have expanded these sales to Three Forks, Missoula, and Glendive.
- We established a toll free number (1-877-Red-Angus) in 1999.
- We host a Montana Tour each fall on a rotation system that enables us to view breeders across the state. The state is divided into 6 separate regions, with the breeders in that region acting as the hosts for their given year.
- We have an aggressive marketing program through print advertising, several bill boards across the state and signage in local sale barns.
- We also host a Cattleman’s College at the annual MSGA convention.
The RAAA year in review, published in the September ARA, consistently show Montana rankings in the top 10 for:
Number of REGISTRATIONS by state
Number of TRANSFERS by state
Number of MEMBERS by state
Number of JUNIOR MEMBERS by state
The prominence of Montana in the world of Red Angus lies in the outstanding group of breeders that call Montana home!
50th Anniversary Banquet 2022